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Monday, March 21, 2005

Sniff, Sniff

Saturday night, I was accused of snorting coke in the bathroom of a bar. I came out of the stall, washed my hands, and put on my lipstick. However, I had just come in from outside, so my nose was running a bit, so I sniffed a couple of times. This clearly gay man comes out of the other stall, looks at me and says, "What were you doing out here?" I told him and he actually seemed dissappointed. "Oh, I heard you sniffing out here and I thought you were doing something else." Oh, New York, sometimes I laugh at you and your curious behavior.

Speaking of drugs, I am a complete addict to something we all know. Caffeine. I think that it needs to be completely banned. Marijuana is illegal, yet caffeine is much more addictive - thanks a lot America. I must have caffeine every day in the morning, or I don't wake up for the rest of it. I sit around like a zombie, completely oblivious to everything. For some reason, the office ran out of coffee this morning, so I was forced to drink tea (again). This seems to happen more than any of us are happy with. So, I look like the half dead, waiting until the coffee delivery comes and someone makes a pot of coffee, so I can wake up. Stupid caffeine. Maybe I should start trying to wean myself off of it. It would be nice for a change to be awake first thing in the morning rather than glare at people until I have had my coffee. I'm rather evil in the mornings until I have had that dosage of caffeine.


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