Work Hard. Play Harder.

Blogging isn't for everyone.

Saturday, December 11, 2004

No Shirt, No Shoes, BIG Problem

I know it has been awhile since I have updated, but I really haven't had much of anything to say. Since nobody reads my blog anyway, I figured it didn't matter than much. I got lectured about not having a job by my parents tonight. Their response was, "Well, you need to find something soon." Of course my response was a little on the shrill and defensive side. I sort of shot back with, "You think I don't know this? You think I don't try? You can't fight market forces! Thanks to my ridiculously expensive degree, I can tell you why I can't find a job and explain those market forces to you in painstaking detail, but that ain't gonna do shit for me to actually get a job. I network, I call, I email. It doesn't do much good right now except keep the connection alive." Companies just aren't hiring and let's face it, I don't have the most impressive resume. So I really have to defend that one when I am actually in interviews. Which has been a while, too. It just gets annoying when I want to buy something, and I realize I can't. I want this shirt from Express, and I just can't do it right now. Or the wool coat that I have fallen in love with. It's beautiful and I can't have it. I need a job!!!!! Ahhhh!!!

On a brighter note, I am leaving in exactly one week to head to Cleveland to hang out with the fam. I get to see my puppy dog which makes me really happy. I miss him. Everytime I see a Labrador in New York (which isn't too often) I get sad and think of my neurotic, fat dog. But I love him anyway. I also bought a plane ticket to go to Chicago for New Year's. With money I don't have, might I point out. So technically I didn't buy it, my dad bought the ticket for me because I begged. I'm so pathetic. Unemployed people really are pathetic wastes of space. As Kate Hudson states in Raising Helen, "Reruns are the culture of the unemployed." It really is true. Sometimes I just can't bring myself off the couch to actually send out resumes.


At 2:26 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Erin -
I'm looking forward to meeting you in Cleveland! As long as I don't freeze my ass off it'll be a great time.

Ellanna :)


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