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Friday, December 03, 2004


I think that women who experience PMS will understand this entry. Why is that as women we are forced to experience whacked out hormonal fits of emotional outburst? It is not fair I tell you! It takes one little thing to set me off and put me in a bad mood for the rest of the night. For instance, I am a huge fan of calling people when you tell them you will. Even if you can't talk, you still call when you said you would, say you're busy, and call back later when you can. There is nothing worse than making me wait around for your phone call, when I have other things to do. Now, add PMS into that mix and you better hope that you call me when the emotional rage has subsided. This isn't because I am bitching about a certain somebody who needs to learn how to return a fucking phone call on, I'm not upset....

On another fantastic note, I am living like an Eskimo, because the radiator in my room is leaking AGAIN. My landlord is on his way over to tighten it AGAIN. In the meantime, I had to turn it off, so I have no heat in my room. Great. I've been sitting around the apartment today too cold to do anything. I though about putting on a winter hat and gloves to keep warm, but that might be a tad dramatic. But then again, with PMS, nothing is dramatic at this point (I say this with the most bitter sarcasm I can muster). Good thing I'm not pregnant, cuz that might be too scary for even me.


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