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Friday, November 26, 2004

My Sanity Is Leaving

My mind has gone numb. I want to go hoooooooooooooome!!! It's not even two o'clock yet! This has been the longest day ever! I left for an hour to have lunch and then I did a little shopping at Strawberry across the street. I looked, but didn't buy. There was this cute beaded shirt, but I tried it on and looked like a freak. Oh well, that's life, I suppose. More money now that I can spend on a pair of shoes that I have been debating. I swear, since I moved here, I have bought more shoes than I have bought combined in the past two years. I bought another pair of black comfy shoes for work, now I need black strappy sandals, and another pair of black comfy shoes so I am not wearing the same pair every day. I realized whenever I went out at Wittenberg, I either wore flip flops or my black pair of Nine West loafer looking shoes. That doesn't really work too much here. I am on the lookout for the sexiest most comfortable heels ever. I am convinced that they do not exist, but if someone can prove me wrong, tell me where I can buy them. Please.

I watched this bizarre movie the other night with Paul Rudd and Rachel Weisz. It's called the Shape of Things. Stop reading this if you don't want to know the ending because I am about to give it away in talking about how messed up this movie was. Ok, turns out that these two (Paul and Rachel) have a relationship, have sex, fall in love, blah blah blah. During the course of this relationship, he becomes increasingly more attractive: loses weight, dresses better, gets contacts, and a nose job. At the end, it is revealed that Rachel Weisz's character never really loved him, but used him as a project to prove that the good looking guys turn out to be jerks. She slowly manipulated him into changing all these things to become an "average" guy, but just like all the rest. He lied and cheated. None of the relationship was real to her, but it was real for him, and he has his heart broken. What?! How crazy and screwed up is this concept? What woman is that jaded that she takes a not so attractive, shy guy and totally molds him into a sort of jerk, all the while pretending to love him? Just remember people, I will never be that bad. I might complain a lot, but I would never use someone like that.


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