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Tuesday, November 23, 2004

Greeks and Actors

I went to dinner with my cousin last night and some of her friends. The food was fantastic. I had tilapia (which I can say, I have not had since probably July). I have to admit that I had one glass of red wine and instant headache. I was so tired from working yesterday that I could barely hold a normal conversation. Despite that, dinner was good. Jen's play - also good. It took place in 1984, and I almost started laughing when one of the characters breaks out this psychadelic "altered" Jagermeister and they start drinking it. Haha. Jager is the devil. It was funny though, because the actors did a really good job of portraying the characters. Ok, that isn't funny, that means they are good actors. The funny part is that I saw Jen and her sister Joy, my other cousin, on stage. I recognized Joy first (probably because I know her better). The characters were modeled after the two of them in many ways. It was cool to see that. Jen's boyfriend Curtis said he saw some of the family resemblance since I look so much like my mom's side of the family. He said I look a little like Tom, my other cousin. I'm not sure that I see that, but it did take me a while to realize that I look exactly like my mom. And I do mean exactly. Except the hair. After the play was over, I went home and pretty much crashed. I watched the Real World/Road Rules challenged and irritatingly watched the women get dominated AGAIN. Seriously, what is wrong with them that they keep losing to the men? They have some crazy people too. Like Tonya, who put rocks in her mouth. Who does that?

I found myself strangely attracted to one of the actors in the play. Maybe it was the character he was playing more, but you never know. Then I realized he was an actor and no good can come of that. A little bit too intense for me. This morning though, I saw a hot guy on the train. He lives in Astoria, so my reaction was like, "Yes! Another hot guy in Astoria!" We both sort of kept looking at each other, but not at the same time. Hey, I have to amuse myself somehow. When you're crammed into a really hot subway car with way too many people, you have to try and keep your sanity. Especially when I am one of those people who really values my personal space. He got off at 59th and Lex though and I switched trains at Times Square, so that was the end of that. At least we had twenty minutes, right? Haha.

By the way, anybody want to go to Florida in the middle of January? I am not wholly opposed to getting a tan since I already look like a ghost. My skin will probably thank me when I'm forty if I don't spend my entire twenties in the sun, but who cares about that? I certainly don't care about that at the moment. All I care about is this cup of coffee sitting in front of me. Mmmmm. Best cup of coffee I've had and it comes from the coffee cart at 33rd and 9th buddy. Screw Starbucks man. Their coffee always tastes burnt anyway. It only tastes good when I brew it at home.


At 2:46 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Erin... I'll trade you a week in Florida in mid-January for a weekend in NYC in December!

At 3:40 PM, Blogger Red said...

You want a weekend in December, you got it buddy!


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