Work Hard. Play Harder.

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Sunday, November 21, 2004

Ok, I am much better now. I no longer want to throw my computer out the window. I watched Florida kick some Florida State ass and I became very satisfied. Ohio State also beat Michigan today, so it was a good day for rivalries.

Speaking of rivalries and crazy testosterone driven nonsense, I was watching SportsCenter a few minutes ago and they were discussing the fight that broke out last night between the Pacers/Pistons and some of the fans. What is wrong with men? They ALL have to assert their manhood and get all crazy. It's like, oh no, that insignificant fan threw ice at me, I must go kick his ass now. Nevermind that I make more money than he will ever see in his lifetime and am way more famous and shouldn't let that bother me. I must kick his ass because I must. Stupid men. It's entirely possible that this aggression is coming from the fact that I haven't seen Sexy and Scruffy in a week and it's making me a little irritated. I most likely won't see him this week either with the holiday coming up and me having to work. He seems perfectly happy to go this long without seeing me. Grrrrr. Oh don't worry, he's still out in LA leading his double life (you all think I'm crazy insane, but my suspicion continues to grow). When I talk to him on the phone while he's out there, it's like talking to a different person.

I don't think I need to put up with this anymore. Nor do I want to at this point.


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