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Thursday, December 02, 2004

Erin From The Block

I remember seeing Jennifer Lopez in an interview once after her album On the 6 came out. She said that she wrote all of the songs on her commute on (where else?) the 6 train. She said it sort of inspired her. Well, using this logic, and my experiences on the 6 train, her album would be total CRAP. Which is true, her songs really are terrible. And this just proves that there really is no inspiration on that subway line whatsoever: I was on my way back from meeting a friend for happy hour, so I was already sort of buzzed (six beers will do that to you). There's this crazy sicko sitting across from me. I can already tell he's weird because he's sitting there with an open bottle of Heineken and annoying the girl sitting next to him, in general, just being obnoxious. Well she gets off, so that leaves me for him to focus his attention on. He starts trying to get my attention and I blatantly ignore him, getting my cd player out and putting my headphones on. Then I here him say, "Man, stick a dick in your mouth, that's all your good for anyway." At this point, part of me wants to jump up, scream at him, and punch him in the nose. What an asshole, I mean really. You should never say that to anyone. Thankfully, I didn't do that, because my smarter side knew that would be stupid. The guy was a nutcase anyway, so it wouldnt do much good to punch him, cuz he wouldn't get it anyway. The best part was the car was full, and people heard him say this and just looked at me for my reaction. Like I would dignify that with a response. I just got off at the next stop, switched cars, and then got off again at my appropriate stop.

I dyed my hair today. I think one day it might rebel against me and all fall out in protest, since I do dye it on a regular basis. Let's hope that it doesn't.


At 2:42 AM, Blogger Me said...

I tell ya, the buses in my fairly small college town aren't much better. Neither are the greyhounds I have to take to the nearest city with an airport. Yech. I mean, I'm all for public transportation, and prefer it in most ways over the drama of owning a car, but some days, I swear, the smell and the head cases really get to me, though I don't think I've ever gotten a comment quite as offensive as the one you just wrote about. I mean, GEEZ. Smart move on your part, not responding. Why risk escalating the situation. You never know what on earth could happen. [shiver]


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