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Thursday, November 04, 2004

Strike two! One more and he's gonna be outta here folks.

So seriously, I have been too angry to write an entry since Tuesday. I am so ashamed to be an American right now. We're supposed to be the land of the free, but that's a load of crap. Our rights are slowly dissapearing. The idea that my body may not be my own much longer makes me want to throw up. How dare a man tell me what is right for my body? I actually cried when Kerry gave his concession speech. I have NEVER cared this much about politics before, but when people in this country are so narrow minded and ignorant as to elect that asshole for another four years, I just cant sit here and watch our rights get slowly taken away from us. Which is exactly what the Republicans are going to do. My away message most of Tuesday and yesterday:

congratulations America, you've officially fucked us. not only will the world hate us more, but you have elected a homophobic, Bible thumping asshole who wants to control every woman's body in this country. that and he's perfectly willing to kill innocent young people, some of whom are my friends, who fight for this country. i hope you're proud. bring on the coathangers ladies.

Yup. Be prepared for women to start using coathangers to kill their unborn, unwanted children. Be prepared for teenage STD and HIV rates to increase because while abstinence seems like a good idea to teach, teenagers eventually succumb to their hormones and have unprotected sex because they haven't been properly taught about protection. Be prepared for more eighteen year olds, mothers, and fathers, to die in Iraq. Fighting a war that we shouldnt be. Cool, Bush, looking forward to the next four years (notice the bitter sarcasm)!

Thankfully I live in a place where Republicans are outnumbered 6 to 1 and they are fairly moderate anyway. If I still lived in Ohio, I think I would have turned into an outspoken, raging lesbian (sort of like Rosie O'Donnell) just to piss off all the so called "moral values" voters. I'll show you moral values you fuckers. Just you wait. You think I'm angry now, just wait until I actually have this discussion with you and then you may find yourself with a bloody nose and a black eye. If you're going to take away basic rights from people, I'll just have to fight to take them back. Literally.

Sorry I'm so angry. It just comes out of me. I think it's the red hair. Chris Pollack would be proud. "How angry are you right now?!"


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