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Tuesday, November 02, 2004

I just went and voted. I feel good despite the fact that the popular vote decides nothing. It's all about those electoral votes. New York is sort of a no-brainer on which way it goes. I really want to go to this one bar tonight and watch the state results come in. If Kerry wins a state, everyone gets a free shot. If Bush wins the election, it's open bar. I love how liberal this city is. Open bar + me = awesome. Either way the election goes, I get way drunk. Anyone care to join?

People's away messages are making me angry. Especially people our age. How can you want a tyrant to run this country for the next four years? He wants to use the Bible against all of us. Remember that scene in Saved! when Mandy Moore throws the Bible at Jena Malone and screams, "I am full of Christ love!" That's Bush. How can he ignore the fact that gay people in this country deserve the same rights as everyone else? And how can all of you just sit around and agree with him? That's just narrowmindedness (is that even a word or did I just make one up like Dubya?) in my opinion. He's using his Christian beliefs to alienate citizens of this country. Shame on all of you if you agree with him.

Okay, sorry about the political rant, but I feel very strongly about certain issues and I don't like it when young people support an evil man for a reason that they cannot vocalize. If I were to ask most young people why they felt so strongly for Bush, the usual response is, "I don't know." Some young people have good reasons and I can understand that, but it's the people who don't know that aggravates me. Don't get me started on women's issues either. Although I did find out that my dad and I have very different views on that as well. Let's just hope that we don't have to put up with that crap for another four years...


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