Work Hard. Play Harder.

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Sunday, October 24, 2004

Public transportation and I have a love-hate relationship. I enjoy not driving or having to worry about parking, but sometimes the hassle of schedules and weird people cause me to not like it. First of all, I had to leave the apartment at 6:30 on Friday morning to catch a 9 AM flight. Then, I waited 15 minutes for the train. I was about to start walking when it came. I went one stop and then caught the bus to LaGuardia from there. This time, I had to wait 20 minutes for the bus. When it came, it was a lot of people getting off the night shift. Let's just say that I have not been that close to someone at 7 AM that I was not intimate with. As a person who values my personal space, this was really irritating. Then, I miss the Delta terminal stop at the airport and have to walk back to it from the next terminal over. The good news is I only paid $4 rather than $20 for a cab. The commute back from the airport was less crowded but still annoying because at night less traines and buses run. Good thing it was only $4 because I did spend quite a bit on food this weekend. Not even alcohol, just food. Alcohol was so cheap in Ohio, it was fabulous.


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