Work Hard. Play Harder.

Blogging isn't for everyone.

Friday, October 15, 2004

It's cold in my room. Maybe I should shut my windows so I don't sound like an 80 year old chain smoker when I wake up tomorrow. Or perhaps that is just too much effort right now. I can't sleep (again). I think part of the reason is because I get in bed and then think about all the things I need to get done in the next day or two and then my mind starts racing. It's amazing how 10 things that can easily be accomplished turn into a nightmare. Mostly because people are idiots and when you try to talk to them on the phone, it's like they speak a different language than you. I hate doing anything that requires talking to a customer service rep whether that is the cable company, the utility company, or any other I must use a phone to talk to another human being company. List of shit to accomplish tomorrow:

1. Call Rakesh about resume and fix it to send back to him.
2. Call headhunter to check in and see if any temp positions are available.
3. Scour job boards for open positions.
4. Sit around and wait for my Victoria's Secret package. (cool, guys: come between the hours of 10:30 AM and 5:30 PM on. That's what the we missed you today slip said. Of course I will be here!)
5. Call back the guy who likes to call me that night suggesting we hang out right then. I know what that means buddy and we're not doing that again. I think he needs to be trained a bit better to make plans with a girl a couple days in advance. We like a little planning.
6. Answer more practice interview questions.
7. Go to the drugstore and find a new styling product for my hair (it's a difficult choice to find something that works on my hair. Nothing I have is working, and believe me, I have a ton of products).

Now that I wrote those down, maybe I can actually go to sleep. I hope.


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