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Tuesday, February 08, 2005

Bitch Time

So if by reading this, you are going to think I am a crazy lunatic in need of anger management, stop reading this then. I am need of some good old fashioned bitching and ain't nobody gonna stop me.

I am sick and tired of all the bitching that people do to me. What, do I have a sign that says, "If you are moody and your life is over, come bitch to me"? People act like their lives are over when the tiniest problem occurs. "Oh my God, my boyfriend can't come visit me when he was planning to, but he's coming the week after." So? At least he's still coming right? "Daddy won't let me use my credit card with an 8 billion dollar credit limit." Oh, poor baby, maybe you shouldn't spend 8 billion dollars. "I said I wanted decaf. My day is ruined because those assholes gave me regular." Suck it up, so you're wired all morning, life could be worse. Don't turn the smallest problems or disappointments into mood ruining, people ruining bitchiness. I don't want to be around people who are constantly in states of annoyance. I have my own problems too and you don't hear me whining about them every day. I have to listen to people whine at work all day about how they need this copied, they have so much work to do, they can't do this because it's not their job. Shut the fuck up and just do it! I don't complain about all the crap that people unload on me to do because they don't want to. If I did, I would get fired.

I try to stay in a good mood, but when people around me get so moody and unload all their problems on me, it usually drags me down with them. Don't get me wrong, I don't mind listening to people sometimes, but if you are in need of bitching 24/7, get a shrink! They have to listen, you pay them. So stop acting like fucking pussies. Damn, G-None! Sometimes I think I should have moved to the middle of nowhere: no people, fewer problems, and more trees. And that is the logic behind how the Unibomber came to be I feel.

Just make it to Friday, just make it to Friday. NYC better be ready for some Wittenberg takedown. Cuz I will be ready.


At 10:41 AM, Blogger Jennie said...

Damn, G-none . . . heehee.


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