Work Hard. Play Harder.

Blogging isn't for everyone.

Tuesday, November 09, 2004

Ok, I can't sleep. One reason being that my apartment is freezing cold and it's hard for me to fall asleep. Sort of like in summer when you try to sleep when you're hot as balls. Just doesn't work out so well. The second reason being because I woke up at noon today.

The third reason possibly being because the Boy called tonight. After hearing nothing for a week, he decides to call me after I was all like, whatever. Does anyone else see a problem with the fact that his call was 5 days late when he was supposed to call on Wednesday? Hmmm. I like to analyze things a bit too much sometimes (that comes with the career territory I suppose), so now I'm all suspicious that he has numerous girls he is dating. He was in LA for a bit, so maybe he has a girl out there that he sees, but once he returns to New York, he drops off her radar kind of like the way he did with me. But then maybe he is seeing another girl here as well as me. This behavior may be his normal kind, and he may see nothing wrong with it. However, I do. I also think I can read too much into things. Maybe this is the way he operates and I need to school him on the ways of dating me. I almost want to tell him it's too late because he lied to me, but when things are that good, you sort of want to know if they can work out with just a few changes. Then again, trying to change a man is like trying to get it to stop snowing in January.

I've also decided to buy a digital camera so I can put more pictures on the blog. When I will be able to purchase said camera is undetermined, but will be soon. At least before the holiday season.


At 11:28 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

You have been watching waaaaaayyyyyyyyy to much Sex and the City. A. Karth

At 12:27 PM, Blogger Red said...

Sorry, can't help it. When you are unemployed, you have way too much time on your hands to think about stupid stuff like this.


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