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Wednesday, September 29, 2004

Stupid Bitch, You're Fired!

Tattoo Update: Very, Very Itchy. You know how people tell you not to do things and all you want to do is that thing you're forbidden? Like scratch the crap out of my tattoo? Yeah.

Anyway, the Apprentice is awesome. My favorite quote tonight was when Carolyn told the women, "I'm embarassed to be a businesswoman." It was no surprise to me when the men won (oh my how hot are all of them?) and the women were back in the board room. Kind of reminds me of sorority days when people got in trouble for the stupidest things or when people were afraid to take responsibility when they screwed up. Stacey J made a comment before she was fired about how they had all formed this sorority against her. Really is true.

There's this whole theory about alpha males, beta males, etc. Social psychology is really interesting. I like reading stuff about it. But then I started thinking about the episode of the Simpsons when Homer became the Alpha Crow, got attacked by them when he rejected the murder, and was on medicinal marijuana. That was a great episode that I watched many times junior year.

Then I got curious why a group of crows is called a murder and found this answer:
Mother Nature is weird.


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